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Last updated
Staking APRs on each chain are relative to the number of $GUN staked on that chain.
Staking APRs are aggregated and displayed on the staking page, so the user can decide which chain to hop to to stake for the highest APR.
When you stake, there is a 12 hour lock period. After 12 hours, you can unstake. If you stake again within the 12 hour lock period, the timer resets to 12 hours.
Rarity is not preserved when you stake, so be careful.
40% of the $GUN supply (4,000 $GUN) is reserved for staking emissions. Staking emissions last for 100 days.
Staking release schedule:
Day 11-20: 300 (30 per day)
Day 21-30: 350 (35 per day)
Day 31-40: 400 (40 per day)
Day 41-50: 400 (40 per day)
Day 51-60: 400 (40 per day)
Day 61-70: 450 (45 per day)
Day 71-80: 450 (45 per day)
Day 81-90: 500 (50 per day)
Day 91-100: 500 (50 per day)
In short:
40% of the supply is reserved for staking
100 days of staking emissions
APR is variable on each chain relative to amount staked on that chain